Aussie Firebug

Financial Independence Retire Early

Welcome back to the third annual Aussie FIRE survey results!

In case you missed last year’s results, you can grab them here.

This year’s survey added a few more asset classes and more detailed expense breakdowns. I was going to add time intelligence to some of the visualisations but I ran out of time. If you’re interested in the historic relationship between the 2021 and 2022 datasets please message me. I have withheld the Longitudinal Survey Identifier (LSI) from both datasets for security reasons but they are available upon request. I would welcome further analysis between last year’s survey and this one.

I’m so happy to report that the survey had 1,025 submissions across 18 countries.

The results are broken up into six sections:

  1. Firebug Profile
  2. Expenses
  3. Investing
  4. Super
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Methodology

For maximum slicing and dicing of the dimensions, please check out the FIRE Dashboard (interactive dashboard using the data from the survey)

Interactive FIRE dashboard

Feel free to download the anonymized results of the survey here under the Open Database License (ODbL). I really look forward to seeing what you find—if you share on social media, make sure you tag me and I’ll give it a shout-out!


Aussie Firebug


Firebug Profile


1,025 responses

What country do you live in?

995 responses

What state/territory do you live in?

Age Range

1,024 responses

How old are you?


1,025 responses


Relationship Status

1,025 responses

Relationship Status

Are you DINK?

550 responses

Are you DINK? DINK = dual income no kids


848 responses

Do you have kids?

543 responses

Do you want kids?


1,025 responses

Highest level of education

Employment Status

1,024 responses

Employment status



1,021 responses

What industry do you work in?


Living Status

1,025 responses

Living Status


PPoR Worth

685 responses

How much is your PPoR (Principal Place of Residence) worth?


After-tax Income

1,019 responses

What’s your AFTER-tax income per year?

1,019 responses

What’s your AFTER-tax income per year?

1,019 responses

What’s your AFTER-tax income per year?


Net Worth

1,025 responses

This wasn’t a direct question. The figure was calculated from other fields


Housing Expenses

960 responses

Estimated housing expenses per year?
How much do you spend on rent/interest repayments, rates, utility bills a year? If you’re filling in this survey as a couples/households, enter your combined expenses.
*Don’t include your mortgage repayments or investment property expenses here. Only interest repayments if you have a loan.

934 responses

Estimated housing expenses per year?
How much do you spend on rent/interest repayments, rates, utility bills a year? If you’re filling in this survey as a couples/households, enter your combined expenses.
*Don’t include your mortgage repayments or investment property expenses here. Only interest repayments if you have a loan.


Holidays Expenses

977 responses

Estimated travel/holiday expenses per year?
How much do you spend on travel/holidays a year? If you’re filling in this survey as a couples/households, enter your combined expenses.

807 responses

Estimated travel/holiday expenses per year?
How much do you spend on travel/holidays a year? If you’re filling in this survey as a couples/households, enter your combined expenses.


Childcare/schooling Expenses

374 responses

Estimated Childcare/schooling expenses per year?
If you’re filling in this survey as a couples/households, enter your combined expenses.

363 responses

Estimated Childcare/schooling expenses per year?
If you’re filling in this survey as a couples/households, enter your combined expenses.


Transport Expenses

954 responses

Estimated transport expenses per year?
How much do you spend on petrol + maintenance if you have a car? Or, how much do you spend on public transport if you don’t own a car.

978 responses

Estimated transport expenses per year?
How much do you spend on petrol + maintenance if you have a car? Or, how much do you spend on public transport if you don’t own a car.


Food/dining Expenses

1,004 responses

Estimated food/dining expenses per year?
How much do you spend on food and going out to eat a year? Think about how much you spend on grocery bills a week plus any restaurants you frequently visit.

978 responses

Estimated food/dining expenses per year?
How much do you spend on food and going out to eat a year? Think about how much you spend on grocery bills a week plus any restaurants you frequently visit.


Other Expenses

960 responses

All the other expenses per year?
Everything else you spend money on should be included below. Sports, pets, entertainment, insurance, shopping, medical etc.



Have you reached FIRE?

1,025 responses

Have you reached FIRE?


Investing Experience

1,023 responses

How many years have you been investing for?


FIRE Number

999 responses

How much in todays dollars would you need invested to be financially independent?
E.g. if you needed $1.25M to be FIRE. Enter in 1250000


Withdrawal Rate

1,006 responses

How much are you planning to withdrawl from your portfolio to live on each year (as a percentage)?


Cash (Median)

948 responses

How much do you have invested in CASH?


LIC (Median)

260 responses

How much do you have invested in LICs? LIC = Listed Investment Companies


Aussie ETFs (Median)

834 responses

How much do you have invested in DOMESTIC ETFs (companies in the ASX)?


International ETFs (Median)

603 responses

How much do you have invested in INTERNATIONAL ETFs (companies listed outside of the ASX)?


Individual Shares (Median)

588 responses

How much do you have invested in INDIVIDUAL SHARES?


Managed Funds (Median)

130 responses

How much do you have invested in managed funds?


Bonds (Median)

78 responses

How much do you have invested in BONDS?


Defined Benefit (Median)

37 responses

How much is your DB worth?


Annuity (Median)

7 responses

How much is your annuity worth?


Invetment Property Equity (Median)

369 responses

How much are your investment properties worth – How much do you owe on your investment properties?


Precious Metals (Median)

88 responses

How much do you have invested in PRECIOUS METALS?


P2P Lending (Median)

50 responses

How much do you have invested in P2P LENDING?


Cryptocurrency (Median)

361 responses

How much do you have invested in CRYPTOCURRENCY?


Options (Median)

13 responses

How much do you have invested in OPTIONS?


Other Assets (Median)

160 responses

How much do you have invested in OTHER ASSETS? List the dollar amount you have tied up in other assets that have not been listed above.


Most popular ASX Products (Top 20)

868 responses

Which of these ASX listed products do you own (if any)?


Do you use DRP?

1,011 responses

Do you use DRP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan)?


Do you use DSSP or BSP?

1,017 responses

Do you use DSSP or BSP? If you don’t know what these are, select no


Investment Structure

1,014 responses

How do you own your investments?



Super Balance by Age (Median)

1,017 responses

How much do you have invested in SUPER?


Relying on Super?

1,024 responses

Will you be relying on Super to reach financial independence?


Max Super?

1,022 responses

Do you max out your Super contributions each year?



1,025 responses

Do you operate a self-managed super fund (SMSF)?


Most popular Super Funds (Top 20)

946 responses

Which Superfund(s) are you with?



Financial Planners

1,025 responses

Have you used a financial planner?

189 responses

Was the financial advice worth it?

189 responses

Was your financial planner independent (as legally defined by ASIC)?


Most popular Trading Platforms (Top 20)

978 responses

Trading Platform


Most Popular Side Hustles (Top 20)

376 responses

Which of these side hustles do you do (if any)?


Debt Recycling

1,012 responses

Do you participate in debt recycling? Select no if you don’t know what debt recycling is.



This report is based on a survey of 1,025 Firebugs from 18 countries around the world.

      • The survey was fielded from November 1st to December 1st 2022.
      • Unfortunately, Google forms doesn’t have a timer option which means I was unable to validate submissions
      • Respondents were recruited primarily through channels owned/ran by which included: Aussie FIRE Discussion Facebook group, Aussie Firebug Twitter Account and Aussie Firebug Blog
      • All income figures are based on AUD.
      • Net worth figures are in AUD
      • Some visuals do not always take into consideration all the answers due to visual issues. There were 78 distinct values for banks for example. Reducing that to a top 20 is more visually appealing. You can always download the entire dataset if you want to know all the submissions
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