The Dangers Of Cross Collateralisation
If/when you get to a point in your life where you own multiple properties, you will no doubt come across the term 'cross collateralisation'. It's a very important loan structure issue that you must fully understand if you ever do decide that it's the best option for...

My Savings Rate 15/16
Lets talk savings rate for a second. It is in my opinion THE most important factor to FI (financial independence) and determines a lot of things like: Whether you actually reach FI How long it will take you to reach FI Gives you a clear indication as to what your FI...

Pay Less Tax Part 2- Salary Sacrifice
Part two of my Pay Less Tax series which focuses on various strategies for lowering the amount of tax you pay here in Australia. You can check out Part One - Buying Assets In A Trust if you missed it. This strategy is pretty straight forward, you buy stuff with...

Fixed or Variable Rate
It's a decision most homeowners know all too well. Fixed or variable Rate? Do I fix my interest rate? Or do I go variable? Will the rate go up and I'll feel like a champ if I fixed? Or will it continue to drop and I'll just not tell anyone how much more I'm paying...

Podcast – Mad Fientist
Subscribe on Itunes Subscribe on SoundCloud Summary I have been following today's guest for a few years now. He is one of my favourite FI bloggers and has recently hit financial independence in his mid thirties. The Mad Fientist analyses the tax code and...

Podcast – Ben Everingham: The Stars Align In Paris…
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/281465926" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] Subscribe on Itunes Subscribe on SoundCloud...

Melbourne and Sydney Real Estate
Lets talks about Melbourne and Sydney Real Estate for a second because it pops up in my life at least once a week. I have a lot of friends renting in Melbourne who are at the age now that they are starting to look at buying a house. They look around and quickly...

Rent or Buy?
"Are you still renting? Why don't you buy yourself a house already. Rent money is DEAD MONEY!" If you rent, I'm sure you have come across one of these people at least once in your life. And it's most likely coming from a loved one who genuinely cares about you. It's...

Why Using Equity In Your Home Is Dumb
Over the past couple of years I have discovered a growing trend that a number of people seem to be doing. It goes something like this, "We only want to invest AFTER we have finished paying off our house." Fair enough. I can see that some people want the security that...

Why Investing Early in Life Matters
Until I discovered the concept of FIRE at around the age of 24, my life was on track to becoming pretty 'normal'. What is normal anyway? I guess it's what the majority of the people around you are doing? The 'normal' where I live goes something like this: > Go to...