Election Results & Strategy… 2.5?
In case ya missed it, earlier this year I published what turned out to be my most controversial article of all time (and it's not even close). The Curious Case of Franking Credits and the FIRE Community of course. The thing is, I actually really don't like...

The Curious Case of Franking Credits and The FIRE Community
Something bizarre is happening and I have no idea why. It's to do with the Franking Credit changes that Labor are proposing to make if they win in this upcoming election. This article is not going to go into whether the changes are good or bad, or even a technical...

What Is ‘Retire Early’ And Why It’s The Most Important Part
FIRE to me is broken up into two parts. Firstly, you must reach financial independence (FI) where you'll need to have enough assets generating enough money to cover your expenses forever. This is pretty straight forward and whilst there are different...

Financial Goals 2019
Just like last year, and the year before that. It's time again to take a step back and see what we achieved over the last 12 months and set new goals for 2019! 2018 GOALS Have a savings rate of 65% or better Achieved = No ❌ Total expenses for 2018:...

You Only Live Once
Ok, real talk. I've been keeping a little secret from you all... well it's not really a secret but just something that's been planned for nearly four years now and I have never written about it... There's a little back story that's needed so let's start there....

Investment Property 1 Has Been Sold
The first of our investment properties (IP) has officially been sold 🎉👏 This is part of our strategy for creating a passive income to fund our lifestyle in retirement. The investment properties had a different purpose in our original strategy for reaching financial...

ETFs vs LICs and Strategy 3 Revisited
Okay, so if you've been following me for any length of time you probably know that I'm a big fan of ETFs. You know, those little exchange-traded funds that grant instant diversification with rock-bottom management fees to provide a great return for extremely little...

Savings Review 17/18
Since we do all of our accounting at the end of the financial year it only makes sense to see how we did in terms of savings in July. You can check out last years review here, but to sum up 16/17, we achieved a savings rate of 63%. So how did we do this year? Let's...

Our Investing Strategy Explained
If you follow any online FIRE blogger whether it be an Aussie or international, you might start to see a pattern that emerges more often than not. The majority of these early retirees are living off an income stream generated by returns from Index Investing. In this...

Vanguard Diversified Index ETFs
*Nothing written below is financial advice. Always do your own research when dealing with your finances One ETF to rule them all? The majority of the Australian FIRE community roughly subscribes to one of the three combos when it comes to ETFs: 40% Oz shares (VAS or...