Aussie Firebug

Financial Independence Retire Early

2018 has not been kind.


Firstly, this is the first time since I’ve been posting our net worth updates that we have been in the negative two months in a row. I secretly knew that the run we had in 2017 was not sustainable but I was hoping that we could at least start to make some gainz at the start of the new year after taking a pretty hefty hit in December 2017.

I knew it was going to be a big month expenditure-wise, so I checking pocketbook religiously but it still got out of hand a little bit. It was like sort of like when you’re fully aware of the danger ahead but you can’t do anything to stop it from happening.


We had our most expensive month in a long time! Pre-booked a few holidays, went out a lot (such nice weather), and there were a few one-off expenses like new tyres for the car.

Mrs. Firebug is a teacher so the school holidays between December and January are always a bit more expensive because we’re out doing stuff and being social.

It didn’t help that I’m writing this update after our portfolio just got smashed by the biggest day drop in sharemarket history. So a few things factored in to explain this months drop.

I causally messaged Mrs. Firebug this on Tuesday afternoon right after we had figured out what we wanted for dinner.


She asked if we should buy more during this drop.

I shed a tear of joy


Net Worth Update


If one image could summarise nearly all our assets classes during last months it would be this one.

down down prices are down

You can almost hear the signing *shudders*

Sooooooo basically we got smashed on the shares front. Property stayed the same. Cash reserves went down paying for everything and Super was around the same too.

The market has already bounced back again today as I’m writing this. But I’m not including the updated stats from today in this months update. Next months should have some decent gains as I’m already up nearly $3K from the losses and we dumped in some money during the downturn so we should see a decent increase next month.

So sad to fall below the $400K mark 😭😭😭



No changes in the properties this month.



Various data sources (RP data, etc.) are used in combination of what similar surrounding properties were sold for to calculate an estimate. This is an official Commonwealth bank estimate and one which they use to approve loans.


Down almost $8K during January!

This has been our first real test of a decent drop, but I believe we responded correctly and actually bought more shares during the dip. Who knows where it goes from here but we are being disciplined and sticking to our monthly schedule of dumping $5K into ETFs come rain hail or shine.

It was a bit strange to see so much of your money just vanish like that though.

But you only make a loss if you sell!



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Download my personal spreadsheet I use to calculate my net worth each month

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