Aussie Firebug

Financial Independence Retire Early

I share these net worth updates to stay accountable, seek feedback on our strategy, and prove that achieving financial independence in Australia is feasible without relying on extraordinary luck or wealth. The table below tracks our journey from $36K in debt to reaching our goals. 🔥

My second month of dad life has been going great.

Yes, there are times when getting enough sleep can be difficult. But boy oh boy it’s all worth it when you see your little one’s adorable smile 🙂

I’m not kidding; it’s like black magic. I’m pretty sure evolution has developed this way to give parents an additional gear they can tap into when things get hard haha.

As a data nerd, I’ve been looking forward to seeing how much more electricity we would use when the baby arrives. This was one of my biggest motivators for installing our 6.66 kW solar system in October 2021.

Our out-of-pocket cost for that system was $3,800.

Solar Install

Our usage comparing October last year to October this year has been the following:

MonthGrid usageConsumed directly from solarTotal UsageSelf-sufficiency$ Saved (based on 39c/kWh)
22-Oct115 kWh102 kWh217 kWh47%$40
23-Oct153 kWh151 kWh304 kWh50%$59

Since the three of us are home most days, our energy usage has increased by over 40%. And I suspect this will only increase as our baby grows up.

The other significant factor is we will be buying an electric car next year (trying to hold out until the new model Y drops). Our solar panel energy consumption will skyrocket from that point onwards and the payback period will significantly speed up.

It’s going to be cool to calculate how much our panels save us in a few years and compare that to how much we would have received if we invested it instead.

Net Worth Update

Another brutal month with our shares and Super being hit the hardest.

On a positive note, Bitcoin increased by 30% in October!

I haven’t used my Bitcoin yet, but I’m interested in finding out where I can spend it. Does anyone know of any cafes or stores in Melbourne that accept BTC or are on the lightning network? I’m curious to see how easy the process will be.



*Expenses include everything we spend money on to maintain our lifestyle. We do not include paying down our PPoR loan as an expense, only the interest
*Investment income is simply 4% of our FIRE portfolio divided by 12

Another quiet month on the expense front. We’re really not spending a lot of money at the moment.



Monthly Performance

The above graph was created by Sharesight

$8.7K in dividends slightly softens this bad month from a psychological point of view, but still, not great.

We made no purchases in October. We are still keeping our cash position high until I secure some contracts that will be landing in the coming months.

Question: Why do we have A200 & VAS?
We started buying A200 in August 2018 after Vanguard didn’t lower their MER to match A200. Practically speaking, A200 and VAS are almost identical so it makes sense to go with the lower MER. As an added benefit, I like the fund diversification between Vanguard and Betashares. We decided to hold both after making the switch since it doesn’t have any impact other than some extra accounting work once a year. 


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